Friday, April 2, 2010

Indie Feature :: Moop (@moopshop)

Favorite materials/tools?
Canvas and disappearing ink markers (great for marking fabric or leaving secret notes).

Creative icon?
hmmmmm....hmmmmmm....hmmmmm....{insert someone creative, clever and iconic}.....Tina Fey!

Other artistic outlets?
I love to cook. Current favorite ingredient (or method of eating): fresh corn tortillas made by my local Mexican grocer.

Best advise:
Be committed to what you do. Hard work eventually pays off. And, support other small businesses!

Daytime mega crafter or creative genius by night?
Daytime Moop maker, creative beer drinker who's constantly analyzing her entrepreneurial endeavors by night, sometimes while watching basketball and playing scrabble (read: really boring at night).

shop Moop at, buy artisan food at, find your local farmers markets at

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