Saturday, January 16, 2010


{images via ABC}

It's a new year and I've skipped several personal posts already ( ie: typical new year's resolution post, I've entered a new decade in my life post, a year in review post, etc.) but I'm ok with that.  The recent natural disaster that has devastated Haiti however, I can't.  They believe the death toll to be over 100,000 people... that's OVER O-N-E  H-U-N-D-R-E-D  T-H-O-U-S-A-N-D LIVES!!!! The images coming from Haiti are heart wrenching. I think about those stranded, those struggling to survive, those living outside of Haiti not knowing how their families are, and the desperation in the air... Though these are difficult economical times for us I can't urge you more to donate.  To donate to the American Red Cross: Haiti Relief and Development click on the logo below.  You can also text  "HAITI" to 90999 to donate $10 to Red Cross relief efforts in Haiti.

There are other organizations doing some great relief work and worth helping out as well:
Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières
Partners In Health
Concern Worldwide

In addition, charity: water is accepting the following items for donation, but it must all be collected by Monday! For details on drop off visit their site.

Feminine hygiene products
Sleeping bags*
Medical gloves
Cases of bottled water

*These items can be gently used.

Regardless what President Bush finds necessary, if you have any of these items to contribute please do so.  Thanks for stopping by and supporting our brothers and sisters in Haiti!

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